Neem leaves extract, Gingivitis, Plaque index, Papillary bleeding indexAbstract
Objective: Neem leaves are known to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antitumor, antihyperglycemic, antiulcer, and
antiviral effects. In addition, they can reduce the counts of plaque-forming bacteria in the oral cavity. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an
herbal toothpaste containing neem leaves extract against gingivitis.
Methods: A total of 40 subjects were divided into two groups (n=20 each): Experimental and control. Those in the test group were instructed to brush
their teeth twice a day for 7 days with neem leaves extract toothpaste, whereas the control group subjects were asked to continue with the non-herbal
paste they used for tooth brushing. Plaque index (PI) and papillary bleeding index (PBI) were measured on day 0 and day 7.
Results: Significant reductions in PI and PBI were noted between the test and control groups.
Conclusion: The findings of this clinical study provide evidence that neem leaf extracts are effective in reducing gingivitis.
Jakarta: Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia; 2011.
Fig. 1: Comparison diagram of plaque indeks score before and
after use of toothpaste in control and test group
Fig. 2: Comparison diagram of pbi score before and after use of
toothpaste in control and test group
Int J App Pharm, Vol 11, Special Issue 1, 2019
Sugiarta et al.
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