
  • Sumit Bhatnagar Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, L. N. Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal
  • Vishnu Pal Department of Anatomy, Mahaveer Medical College and Research Centre, Bhopal


Celphos, Aluminium Phosphide, Survival, Myocarditis, L-Carnitine


Acute Aluminium Phosphide or Celphos poisoning is a common agrochemical fumigant used commonly in countries like South East Asia and China. It is extremely lethal poison as there is no specific antidote and involvement of multisystem organ involvement in a short span of time. Presenting a case of a patient took two tablets of Celphos and developed myocarditis with persistent hypotension due to myocarditis and ventricular tachyarrhythmia, which reverted to normal with steroid, L-carnitine and magnesium therapy, which is a rare entity to the best of our knowledge.



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How to Cite

Bhatnagar, S., and V. Pal. “RARE SURVIVAL AFTER SEVERE ALUMINIUM PHOSPHIDEPOISOININGAFTER MYOCARDITISWITH L-CARNITINE AND STEROID”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2015, pp. 522-3, https://www.journals.innovareacademics.in/index.php/ijpps/article/view/7976.



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